Deciding how you want to learn about InternetMarketing is fairly easy. If you can afford it, payfor it. If you can't, invest your time instead of your rent money.
Practically everything you need to know can be had forfree on the Internet. The problem is finding it whenyou get Google search results like this: "Results 1 -10 of about 196,000,000"!
There's often a good chance that what you need isn'tin the first 50 results, if you need specific answersto carefully defined questions.
Then there's the matter of what looks good vs. whatactually works. You can find plenty of advice thatseems to make good sense.
The problem is, it's wrong now. It may have worked inthe recent past, but a vital change has made itobsolete. Then it doesn't matter if it's free adviceor a costly product - you're being led astray.
You can also mistake truly good advice for one areaand try and apply it, wrongly, to another area. Yourown lack of knowledge could land you in the wrongplace with the wrong solution.
If you're a rugged individualist, hardened andtoughened by life, you may feel that making your ownmistakes on your own is the way to go. There's a majorproblem with that - Internet Marketing changes quicklyand broadly.
Because of the networking capabilities the pros use tokeep abreast of changes in the marketplace, the wholemarket can change course with the speed and unitedaction of a flock of birds in flight.
One minute, they're all headed right, the next,they've wheeled and are heading left. The best education you can find is through a mentor.
While a mentor can't do your homework for you or teachyou everything you need to know, you have the benefitof the experience and wisdom of someone who's walkedthe walk you are beginning.
Again, this can be a paid relationship, earned throughbarter or offered as a gift. If you demonstrate a willingness to learn and work onyour own, apply patience and persistence to yourefforts, you may attract the attention of the rightperson to help you at no cost to you.
This is rare,but it happens.
Even without a personal mentor, you can get all theassistance that you need from a network of like-mindedpeople.
They'll be at different levels of accomplishment andexperience, but gather together for a common cause.Not all aspects of Internet Marketing are dog-eat-dog.Dogs are pack animals, and run together to benefitboth the individual and the group.
Invest some of your time in finding and participatingin a group of IM business owners that are using thepower of networking to help each other succeed.
There are free and paid forums for discussion, groupsof topic-specific memberships and the like that youcan join. The Golden Rule is generally the mainguidance for behaving in such groups.
Specific rules and regulations vary, so make sure youread and understand them before you blunder into them.
Once you've become an active participant and developeda feel for the subject you need to learn, you'll bebetter prepared to decide if paying for an"info-product" or service is right for you.
Surprisingly, some of the very inexpensive productscan deliver exactly what you want and need, withouthaving to mortgage your future. That's the power ofbeing an "insider" - you get the best deals and firstrate service because you're a part of the group.
Even better, your group may be the source of yourexpansion, growth and success as a business, becauseyou can work together and share your assets to thebenefit of all concerned.
Friday, October 10, 2008
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